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Automated bending machine

The Shengen metal co ltd have bought “the robot bending machine” on Dec 2021 which is fully automated machine.This machine takes raw metal sheets, and bends them into a range of shapes so that they can be used to make other products.

As shown in the video, the robot is able to move by itself horizontally in order to move around the workshop. The robot is also equipped with an arm, which allows the robot to pick-up and drop off each raw metal sheets.

The robots’ arm and press are both programmed together, so that they can work together collaboratively. This ensures that the press will not close until the robot has placed the sheet between the press, and that the robot’s arm will not push-up (to bend the sheet) until the press has completely secured the metal sheet.

The robot picks up each metal sheet and places it between the press. The press then closes, and the robots’ arm will push from underneath, causing the metal sheet to bend. This process will repeat multiple times for each side of the metal sheet until the “bend” has been fully completed.

The press opens, and then the robot will rotate the sheet by turning its arm. This process will repeat for all four sides of the metal sheet, until the sheet is ready to be shipped for manufacturing.

The only non-automated part of this machine, is the collection or removal of the metal sheets. As seen in the video, a lady has to place the new, flat metal sheets onto the rack for the machine.

This machine is almost always working, and on average, it works more than 12 hours a day, all year round.

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